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Achieving Longevity Through a Personalized Health Journey


Longevity is more than just extending life—it's about optimizing the quality of that life. At Diablongevity, we recognize that achieving long-term health and vitality requires a combination of proactive lifestyle changes and advanced medical care. Our Longevity Program is structured in three distinct levels, each designed to guide you through a holistic and scientific approach to well-being.

Level 1: Building the Foundation

Level 1 is entirely patient-driven and focuses on essential lifestyle modifications that form the foundation of optimal health. These key elements are:

Smoking: Completely stop all forms of smoking.

- Exercise: Aim for at least 6 hours of physical activity per week.

- Diet: Strive for a score of 80/100 or higher on the AHEI (Alternative Healthy Eating Index).

- Body Mass Index (BMI): Maintain a healthy BMI range of 18.5 to 22.9.

- Alcohol: Limit alcohol intake to 0.5 to 1.5 units per day, depending on individual tolerance and health.

This level encourages personal accountability by empowering patients to take control of their health through regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and habits that contribute to long-term wellness. Small changes here can lead to massive gains in longevity over time.


Level 2: Advanced Self-Optimization


Level 2 requires a deeper dive into the intricacies of your health. Here, patients become more actively involved in monitoring their bodies and staying informed about the latest scientific advancements in longevity medicine. Core elements of this level include:


- Routine Testing and Monitoring: Regular health assessments to ensure optimal ranges for various biomarkers.

- Personalized EHR (Electronic Health Record): Keeping track of all your health data for better insights and personalized care.

- Calorie Restriction & Optimal Nutrition: Adapting your diet for longevity through scientifically backed calorie reduction.

- Holistic Health: Focus on key areas such as immunity, mental health, sleep, oral health, and skin care.


Patients in Level 2 also focus on risk management by understanding environmental factors such as UV radiation and pollutants, as well as practicing safety measures like first aid, injury prevention, and safe drug usage.


Level 3: Physician-Guided Cellular and Genetic Therapies


While Levels 1 and 2 are primarily patient-led, Level 3 is physician-based care and involves advanced medical interventions that can only be provided under expert supervision. This level addresses cellular regeneration, genetic stability, and tackling age-related biological decline. Key therapies include:


- Cell and Tissue Therapies: Treating cellular dysfunction, including organelles and tissue damage with hormone and bioregulator optimization.

- Senescent Cells Removal: Reducing the buildup of "zombie" cells, which are linked to aging and disease.

- Mitochondrial and Genetic Health: Addressing mitochondrial mutations, intracellular waste, and DNA methylation changes that accelerate aging.

- Extracellular Matrix Treatments: Improving the body's ability to repair and maintain the extracellular matrix, reducing age-related stiffness.

- Advanced Longevity Interventions: From regulating nutrient-sensing pathways (such as mTOR, Rapamycin, and NAD+) to addressing genomic instability and telomere shortening, we implement the latest treatments to extend your lifespan.


By following these three levels, patients can take a proactive approach to their health, starting with the basics and moving towards highly specialized care that targets the root causes of aging. Whether you're just beginning your journey or are ready for the most cutting-edge treatments, our Longevity Program can help you achieve the healthiest, longest life possible.


For more information on how each level of care can be tailored to your unique needs, feel free to inquire with our team. Your path to a longer, healthier life starts here!

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